Sun, July 31, 2-4 pm
University Park United Methodist Church
4024 Caruth Blvd, Dallas
Incoming freshmen and transfer students and their families are invited!
Help us spread the word! The university is unable to provide us with a complete mailing list of new students from Dallas County, so please share this information with any new Aggie families you may know.
Volunteers needed for a variety of roles! Do you have a current student in town? We are having Q&A tables for students and need your student’s expertise about: getting involved at A&M, hints for navigating campus or housing, organizations and application processes, and general information about now being an Aggie. (New students are wayyy more interested in talking to current students than to us moms!)
We are also looking for Aggie Moms to help hostess the event and make the parents feel welcome. You could help in a number of ways: greet families, hand out swag, serve at the food table, or help at the boutique table.
We’ll be sending a sign-up genius at a later date, and we’d love to have anyone who’s interested in helping or learning more join us for the next Howdy Party planning meeting on Tuesday, June 28th, at 6:30 at the Whole Foods at Preston and Forest, second floor community room. You can also contact Carol Barke at