
Dallas County Aggie Moms’ Club is a service and social organization that supports Texas A&M students and their parents. Our meetings offer opportunities to learn more about the University from each other and from great guest speakers. Special events allow us to raise funds for student scholarships and student organizations.

Contact us at

Singing Cadets Concert & Silent Auction

This is our 10th year to bring the Texas A&M Singing Cadets to Dallas! Mark your calendars: Saturday, February 15th at 6 PM

Tickets are now on sale. Go to our Events page for more details and to purchase tickets!

Scholarship Application Now Available!

Our scholarship application is now available! Go to our Scholarship Page for full details and application link.

Aggie Moms Connecting & Ring of Honor Events

Upcoming Aggie Moms Connecting Event
Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30 PM
May include: Twelve heart-shaped cookies decorated with various designs. The cookies are pink, red, and white with designs including polka dots, stripes, hearts, infinity symbols, and the word 'love'.
Please join us for a cookie decorating class at Cake Carousel in Richardson on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30pm at a cost of $45 per person. Plan to arrive between 6 and 6:15 to pay and set up refreshments (feel free to bring snacks/drinks of your choice).

We will be decorating 6 cookies (with professional direction) that will be Aggie and Valentine’s Day inspired.
Make sure you RSVP – text Ruthanne (214.708.1746) or Stephanie (972.971.0875) to reserve your spot.

Check back for more upcoming events and details!

March General Meeting

Thursday, March 20th at
First United Methodist Church (Ogden Fellowship Hall), 503 N. Central Expressway, Richardson 75080
6:30 p.m.: Social & Food
7:00 p.m.: Speaker & Meeting

Check back for more details.

Membership Information

If you are an Aggie Mom, why not join the Club? Visit our Membership page for details.

Monthly Meetings & Programs

Members and guests welcome! Visit the Meetings page for the complete list of dates and programs.

  • 3rd Thursdays during the school year at 7:00 p.m. with social time 30 minutes prior
  • 2024-25 Location: First United Methodist Church Richardson, 503 N Central Expy, Richardson 75080