The Book Club is going to the movies! If you read “Where the Crawdads Sing” (or even if you didn’t), you are invited to join us as we see it on the big screen at Cinemark West Plano on Saturday, July 16th for the early bird showing at 9:50 AM. Meet by 9:15 if you want to purchase tickets together. Questions? Contact Peggy at
Howdy Party 2022
Sun, July 31, 2-4 pm
University Park United Methodist Church
4024 Caruth Blvd, Dallas
Incoming freshmen and transfer students and their families are invited!
Help us spread the word! The university is unable to provide us with a complete mailing list of new students from Dallas County, so please share this information with any new Aggie families you may know.
Volunteers needed for a variety of roles! Do you have a current student in town? We are having Q&A tables for students and need your student’s expertise about: getting involved at A&M, hints for navigating campus or housing, organizations and application processes, and general information about now being an Aggie. (New students are wayyy more interested in talking to current students than to us moms!)
We are also looking for Aggie Moms to help hostess the event and make the parents feel welcome. You could help in a number of ways: greet families, hand out swag, serve at the food table, or help at the boutique table.
We’ll be sending a sign-up genius at a later date, and we’d love to have anyone who’s interested in helping or learning more join us for the next Howdy Party planning meeting on Tuesday, June 28th, at 6:30 at the Whole Foods at Preston and Forest, second floor community room. You can also contact Carol Barke at
June newsletter
Check out our June newsletter for:
- Welcome from our 2022-23 president, Melissa Davis
- Scholarships and student org. donations from 2021-22 fundraising and Century Celebration
- Howdy Party July 31 to welcome new students and families
- Join or renew membership for 2022-23
- Book Club June 22
- Aggie brAGs
- Photos: Annual Meeting and Board planning workshop for new year
May newsletter
Read our May newsletter for updates, photos and more. Topics include:
- President’s 2021-22 highlights
- May 2022 grads
- Aggie BrAGs
- Our 2022-23 officers
- Thank yous: April meeting snacks
- Photos from April meeting, book club, goody bags distribution
April Newsletter
Read our April newsletter for updates, photos and upcoming events. Topics include:
- President’s Passback
- April general meeting speaker
- Spring goody bags order form
- Opportunity to allocate donation to student orgs, coming soon
- Book Club
- March Chili Cook-off results and thank yous
- Federation Spring Newsletter
- Photos from recent DCAM activities
Nominating Committee Report: 2022-23 Officers
President – Melissa Davis ’91
President-Elect – (open)
VP at Large – Liz Potter
VP Membership – Velia Lara
VP Fundraising – Ruthanne Stewart
VP Communications – Janell Mirochna
Recording Secretary – Lisa Richard
Corresponding Secretary – Taressa Anderson
Historian – Isabel Campbell
Treasurer – Jennifer Worth ’95
Respectfully submitted,
Francy Collins ’90
Dana Hall
Jennifer Worth ’95
Apr. 28 General Meeting & Spring Goody-Bag Filling
Thursday, Apr 28 (4th Thursday, this month only)
6:30 pm: Social time
7:00 pm: Program begins
New moms and students invited. A future eblast will include a sign-up to help with snacks.We’ll also stuff goody bags for delivery to College Station May 2. To make one for your student, please bring 30-40 of a goody to share. Bags will be provided.
You have the option to purchase for your student a black, 3-compartment, collapsible trunk organizer with the Texas A&M logo for $15. Learn more and pre-order the trunk organizer at this link: Spring Goody Bags.
If you’d like to make cookies or brownies to be available at Goody Bags distribution, note your interest on the Spring Goody Bags form or email:
March Newsletter
Read our March Newsletter for results and photos from our Century Celebration, recognition for sponsors, upcoming general meetings, Big Event service project and more. Topics include:
- President’s Passback
- March general meeting speaker & Chili Cook-off
- April general meeting speaker
- Spring goody bags order form
- Nominating Committee news
- Book Club
- Volunteer for The Big Event
- Fish City Grill profit share
- Federation Spring Meeting & Boutique volunteer sign-up for Family Weekend
- Century Celebration thank you to donors & sponsors
- Submit your Aggie Grads & Aggie brAGs
- Century Celebration photos
Attend General Meeting & Chili Cook-off
Sign up: DCAM Big Event service project
Saturday, Mar. 26, 9 a.m.Date coincides with The Big Event, annual Texas A&M student-run day of serviceJoin in our own The Big Event service project, filling sand buckets with spring treats for Hope Supply Co. clients. We will meet at their warehouse on Saturday, Mar. 26, 9-11 a.m. Those who can will go to lunch afterward, so let us know if Liz can count you in for the reservation.
See what we need and sign up here: DCAM The Big Event. Learn about their services at this link: Home Page | Hope Supply Co Location: Hope Supply Company, 10380 Shady Trail, Dallas |